Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Day 48. 81 miles.

Out here the antelope are as numerous as the jack rabbits. Rattlesnake skins and carcasses line the cactus-speckled roadside. Layered rock formations and plateaus support the edge of a grand blue sky.

I'm not sure how many of those reading this have ridden bicycles through Montana in July, so I will let you in on a little secret...'s quite warm out here.

After riding for many miles through the blazing heat, Piper and I noticed a strong sprinkler system watering the bushes in a nearby graveyard. We ran around like fools in a parade, prancing in and out of the falling spurts of water. It couldn't have been better timing.

We went to a grocery store in the small town of Miles City, where locals gave us some advice--don't drink the water anywhere between here and the edge of Washington state. This was a bit disconcerting, since we were about to re-enter the deserts of Montana, where the gas stations are few and far between. Though if we ever get really desperate we can boil cattle water by using my stove, we still stocked up on extra water in Miles City. Piper carried a gallon and a half. Being a somewhat smaller person, I decided I could get away with carrying a little over a gallon for myself.

Loaded up with PB&J, some dried fruit, cookies, and water, we continued onward into one of the more unpopulated, drier regions of the United States.