Thursday, June 15, 2006

Day 15. 60 miles.

The birds began chirping at sunrise. I sat up in sleeping bag and looked at the sky. Pangs of hunger set in almost immediately, and I rummaged through our gear searching for a pineapple muffin I had bought the night before. Piper lay quietly folded in his sleeping bag, and I wandered over to the shore to sit in solitude.

I watched the birds and fish interact as the sky changed colors. Eventually Piper awoke and wandered over to the lake. We left the park a little before 9am, and pedalled to Rochester before noon.

We had no intention of actually entering the city, but unexpected freeways appeared, forcing us into unfamiliar territory. We found ourselves maneuvering the streets of the city slums, and in no time we were hopelessly lost. Eventually we found a generous man with a map to help us out, and we finally exited Rochester.

However, our new route, which claimed to be a "shared roadway" more closely resembled the interstate. Multiple lanes, exits, mergers, and high speeds infringed upon our satisfaction with this new "bike lane". But without another east-west road nearby, we continued on this very irksome stretch for 20 miles before we found a turnoff for another state park.

Beach, lawn, and picnic tables extended as far as the eye could see. We changed out of our bike shorts and tossed a frisbee around on the beach.